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Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

LIFT06 - February 2-3 2006

conference about new technologies and people

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LIFT is about teaming talented observers, explorers, and builders with people whose work depends on understanding current challenges and creative solutions presented by emerging technologies. Attendees will face cutting edge business models, bold predictions, radical thinking—ideas to inject into their own part of the planet.

The event will be held at the Geneva International Conference Center. It is organized by a group of Swiss practitioners with the guidance of a wise advisory board.

Who will talk? Bruce Sterling, Cory Doctorow, Robert Scoble, Euan Semple, Bruno Giussani, Xavier Comtesse, Régine Debatty, Anina, Jeffrey Huang, Matt Jones, Chris Lawer, Hugh Macleod, David Galipeau, Aymeric Sallin, Paul Oberson, Jean-Luc Raymond and a ton of other amazing people.

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