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Drew Hammet at Sonar

Futuresonic International Festival


(via: we-make-money-not-art) Drew Hemment created the Futuresonic International Festival in 1995. As AHRC Research Fellow at University of Salford, he developed Loca, a collaborative arts-based project on mobile media and surveillance. He is also a founder member of PLAN – The Pervasive and Locative Arts Network.

According to Drew Hemment, we’ve arrived at a crucial moment. In 2003, Locative Media technologies were mostly in the hands of programmers and artists. Some social and art project that were still conceptual a few years ago are now coming into the mainstream. Now the situation is evolving. He gave two examples from the UK: mobile phone operator O2 is now offering Streetmap. What was being discussed and done in small workshop (e.g. PLAN) is now developed on large scale and polished by a major mobile phone operator. The other example is satellite navigation: Google Earth is now a concept that most people grasp.

Futuresonic, an international conference will explore the implications of RFID on July 21-22 in Manchester UK.

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User generated interaction

mobile community software


(via: we-make-money-not-art) Danish based Imity gave a good speak at Where 2.0 about their mobile community software. Imity are not interested in Where 2.0 but Here 2.0 as Co-Founder Claus Dahl explained. By using the Bluetooth capabilities in mobile phones Imity want to create a user generated community in your present location, hence Here 2.0.

They showed a scan of every Bluetooth device at the conference on a slide and stating that information for the persons behind the T-610’s and 6230’s mobile phones is currently not available.

The Imity software can utilize the Bluetooth signal to establish a list of people within a 10 meter radius, so social interaction becomes possible within a place. You can message people using the same software within the vicinity and hereby allow you to meet people in a new way.

And even if you have your phone kept away, a plugin feature for MySpace or OpenBC among others saves the data of people passing by, so the next time browsing MySpace you can be lucky to get a notification that you have passed this person at this place and when.

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Wearable mobile service to share emotions


(via: we-make-money-not-art) MoBeeline allows people to send data about a user’s emotions to another’s clothes via SMS. The MoBeeline wearable Bluetooth accessory can receive data from a mobile phone. For example, one mobile phone user can send operative directions to the other’s clothes and share his/her feelings and emotions by sending signals to the other person’s clothes. According to the emotion the user wants to communicate, He or she will be able to modify the colors or patterns of the garment, or send emoticons to LEDs on the garment.

Check also via we-make-money-not-art: The compass coat.

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das handy orchester


Digital Sparks. André Gräf, Philip Kretschmann, Tim Schenk und Eystathios Klotsikas haben eine Software entwickelt, die es ermöglicht Daten über Bluetooth an Software-Synthesizer zu senden, um so mit dem Handy Musik zu machen.

Die ROB-Software besteht aus 2 Teilen, dem ROB-Client für das Handy und der ROB-Server-Anwendung. Notwendig ist ein javafähiges Handy, das natürlich über eine Bluetooth-Schnittstelle verfügt, und ein Bluetooth-Dongle am PC. Der ROB-Server kann von bis zu 5 Handys gleichzeitig angesteuert werden und gibt seine Daten über das OSC-Protokoll an die Ziel-Software weiter.

Aufgrund seiner technisch innovativen Leistung wurde diesem Projekt der >digital sparks 06< award zugesprochen. Im Rahmen der Ausstellung Kunst Computer Werke im Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe (ZKM) wird ROB zu sehen sein.

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Mobile Studios

a nomadic multimedia platform

Mobile Museums at Potsdamer Platz Berlin 2004

From April until the end of May 2006, the Mobile Studios will travel as a nomadic multimedia platform from Bratislava, Budapest and Belgrade to Sofia, and will temporarily possess the urban spaces in these cities. The Mobile Studios are an internationally networked pilot project of a mobile, autonomous production laboratory for young artists, musicians, performers and cultural programmers. In a subsequent program, artists and cultural producers will be invited to recreate the studio as directors. Mobile Studios are consisting of three corresponding units: the Editorial-, the Talk- and the Live Studio.

Comung up next: April 11th: Opening in Belgrade | Start with live transmission of the Mobile Webcast Studio in Gdansk. April 12th: Wireless Conference Social “Generative Psychogeography in the contemporary city” – a lecture of Wilfried Hou Je Bek transmitted live to Belgrad.

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Mobile Research Center

Mobile City Bremen

Mobile City Bremen

Das Mobile Research Center (MRC) ist eine auf das Thema “Mobile Solutions” fokussierte Forschungs- und Transfereinrichtung des Landes Bremen. Es verfolgt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz in Forschung und Technologietransfer für mobile Informations- und Kommunikationsanwendungen und ist interdisziplinär besetzt. Das MRC setzt sich aus zwei Säulen zusammen: der Zentralen Wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung und der Transfereinheit, deren Aufbau durch das TZI koordiniert wird.

Ideen und Projekte aus der Wissenschaft werden in die Wirtschaft getragen, Fragestellungen aus der Wirtschaft wiederum fließen in die Forschung ein. Angeboten und vermittelt werden Dienstleistungen, Know-how und Technologien. Im Mittelpunkt stehen mobile Arbeits- und Geschäftsprozesse, die durch den Einsatz innovativer mobiler Technologien angemessen unterstützt werden, Zielgruppe sind somit Unternehmen, die Mobile Solutions entwickeln, integrieren oder bei sich einsetzen möchten, z.B. aus den Bereichen Logistik, Produktion und Gesundheitswesen.

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The Story of Mobile Experience

Technology, content and structure for local based applications

Copyright by DLR

Location based services are still exotic members of the family of mobile applications. But it is precisely the synergy between portable electronic devices, sensors, and the real world that opens vast perspectives for exciting new applications. The workshop will address and discuss Experience and Perspectives of location based services with these foci:

Technology: Robustness und accuracy of positioning systems. Interplay between various systems upon changing environments. Trust management. Design: Structuring an preparation of content. Adapting the composition of interfaces and interaction models to a changing real world Movement through space – a fundamental aspect of experience.

Date: 29. – 30. March 2006. Venue: The workshop will be held at German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Wessling near Munich, Germany. Organizers: XINOBER. DLR’s Institute for Communication and Navigation.

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